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BTV Ignite and Burlington Telecom Announce Second Annual STEM and Technical Skill Grant Awards Totaling $50,000

$30,000 to be awarded to LaunchVT and $20,000 to be awarded to ReSOURCE in support of
youth-focused workforce development programs.

Burlington, VT – June 15, 2020 – BTV Ignite and Burlington Telecom announced that
LaunchVT and ReSOURCE will be awarded grant funding to deliver programming to support
workforce training and development with a focus on Burlington’s youth and disadvantaged

“These grants awards announced today are much needed during a time where thousands in our
community are facing a wide range of economic hardships. The workforce support programs
offered by LaunchVT and ReSOURCE are critical while we come together to address the
changing needs of workers and local businesses, as well as providing opportunities to
Burlington residents who may not otherwise have them,”
said Adam Roof, BTV Ignite Project
Manager. “I’m excited that we have been able to award these two significant grant awards on an
accelerated timeline to help meet immediate and emerging needs in the Burlington community
and economy. Young people and communities that have historically been left behind through
conventional workforce development programs are rightly the core focus of this funding.”

Details about the grant awards and the programming are as follows:

LaunchVT has been awarded $30,000 to develop and implement an internship and STEM skill
development program through its established Nexus, REACT, and LaunchVT programs.
LaunchVT will develop internship opportunities with its alumni to match interns with highly
valuable opportunities to develop entrepreneurial and STEM related skills. The BTV Ignite
Board has required LaunchVT to work with a number of organizations as part of their outreach
and recruitment for the internship program.

John Antonucci, Executive Director or LaunchVT, said “with this funding we will be able to offer
young people in our community the opportunity to develop professional knowledge and skills in
leading industries with some of Vermont’s most promising businesses. We are committed to
providing internship opportunities to youth of a range of backgrounds, with a particular focus on
supporting women, people of color, and those that come from a low-income or other
background that historically has been disadvantaged. Interns will develop skills to advance their
career opportunities and the businesses that host them will benefit from the work they do,
creating greater economic impact throughout the community.”


ReSOURCE has been awarded $20,000 to support its YouthBuild Program that serves 16-24
year old youth, as well as Construction Intensives that serve both youth and adults. The BTV
Ignite Grant will support 10 disadvantaged Burlington youth in the YouthBuild program and 20
through a Construction Intensive. The funding will be specifically focused on supporting
weatherization skill training resulting in students receiving a valuable professional certification.

“The trades are becoming increasingly technical and this targeted funding demonstrates that our
community understands the importance of this work in our local economy,”
said Thomas
Longstreth, Executive Director of ReSOURCE. “Professional weatherization skills are in high
demand here locally and across our state and are a key aspect of our collective effort to
address climate change. Employers need skilled workers excited to make a difference through
high quality professional work. ReSOURCE provides both technical skills and soft skills and
supports both the student and the employer to ensure successful placements. The BTV Ignite
funding and our training helps meet multiple community needs.”


The $50,000 annual STEM and Technical Skill Grant Fund is a component of the $3 million over
10 years commitment from Schurz Communications during the sale of Burlington Telecom that
resulted from the competitive process directed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council.
“Burlington Telecom is proud to support the local community and economy in meaningful ways
and specifically by providing these early release grant dollars to two great local organizations,”
said Mike Loucy, General Manager of Burlington Telecom and BTV Ignite Board Member.


View official release here – BTV Ignite STEM and Technical Skill Fund Grant Awards Announced

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Thank you for thinking of ReSOURCE for donations of your furniture and large appliances! We are proud to offer pick-up services in Chittenden County and Central Vermont. 



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What is Career Start?

Career Start is a program designed for high school students to gain hands-on experience and technical skills in various departments at ReSOURCE’s Burlington or Barre locations.

High school students enrolled in school are eligible to participate in the Career Start program.

The program provides hands-on experience in ReSOURCE departments, technical skills training, and monthly personal and professional development classes.

There is a fee of $1500, but tuition is waived for qualifying Vermonters.

Departments include Customer Service & Retail, Office Administration, Computers and Electronics, Overlook Cafe, and Large Appliances, among others.

Yes, students earn a monthly stipend

Training covers Health and Wellness, Goal Setting and Achievement, Leadership Development, Career Planning, and Financial Literacy.

Interested individuals should contact ReSOURCE’s Training and Development Manager, Susan Uthmann, for enrollment details.


Please contact:

Susan Uthmann
Training and Development Manager
[email protected]

Partner Agency List

Our partners help us to provide $125,000 worth of goods to over 2,000 individuals/families in Chittenden, Lamoille, and Washington Counties, and the greater Vermont area.

  • Addison Community Action/CVOEO
  • Age Well
  • Agency of Human Services- Field Services Burlington District
  • Burlington Community Justice Center
  • Burlington Housing Authority
  • Chittendent Community Action/CVOEO
  • Clarina Howard Nichols Center
  • Committee On Temporary Shelter
  • Essex Community Justice Center
  • Howard Center Community Support Program
  • Howard Center Developmental Services
  • Howard Center School Service Program
  • Lamoille Family Center
  • Milton Family Community Center
  • Pathways Vermont- Housing First Program
  • Pathways Vermont -services for veterans and families rapid rehousing program
  • Safe Harbor Clinic
  • Spectrum Youth and Family Services
  • Steps to End Domestic Violence
  • The Janet S. Munt Family Room
  • U.S. Committee for refugees and Immigrants
  • U.S. Committee for refugees and Immigrants
  • Vermont Cares
  • Vermont Catholic Charities
  • Vermont Foundation of Recovery


Become a Partner Agency

For interest in joining our program please email [email protected] to learn more about the next application cycle or any availability in become a new partner agency.

We make award decisions each December for the next calendar year and notify partners so our clients can request vouchers.

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