ReSOURCE is following CDC updates

The latest update from the CDC is that Chittenden County (our Burlington & Williston stores) has moved from “substantial” to “high” level of community transmission and Washington and Lamoille Counties (our Barre and Hyde Park stores) are now listed as “substantial”. Therefore, ReSOURCE is extending temporary indoor masking to all four stores for staff and […]
Good Luck Mason

Best of luck to Mason Blondin, who leaves us this week to begin college at the New York Film Academy. Mason started at ReSOURCE as a LEAP (Learn, Earn, and Prosper) summer intern and transitioned to a staff position at the Williston store. As his first professional job, he learned some important work skills. […]
Barre’s Christmas in July

Don’t miss out on one of the best deals of the summer, courtesy of ReSOURCE Barre! Join us for Christmas in July on the 26th and 27th from 9AM to 5PM. That means 50% off storewide! It’s almost as if Christmas came early! We know it’s hot out, but you deserve some hot deals anyway. […]