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Rakesh’s Journey

Rakesh moved to Vermont in 2014 when he was 19 years-old. A Bhutanese native, Rakesh was expelled from the country after the “One Nation, One People” policy was adopted and Bhutanese minorities were forced to leave Bhutan. At age 11, Rakesh, his uncle, and his brother moved to Nepal and lived in Beldangi 2 Refugee Camp for eight years.


When they came to Vermont, Rakesh barely spoke any English. Under the recommendation of his high school teacher, Rakesh entered ReSOURCE’s training programs to learn new skills and become familiar with English.


Rakesh started in our Helping Hand volunteering program where he sorted donations and organized store inventories. During his senior year in high school, he went on to join our Career Path program and learned how to fix large appliances with Rich Lavallee. Rakesh and Rich built a strong friendship—sharing topics about food, machines, Rakesh’s life in Bhutan, and fun activities they enjoy.


Rich exclaimed, “Rakesh was awesome! He picked up everything really fast, I enjoyed having him here…It was a little harder in the beginning, he was a lot quieter…I think he got a lot more confident at the end; definitely a little bit more outgoing.”


Rich’s response resonated with Rakesh, who explained, “Richard is nice, friendly…My experience is different [referring to his immigration from Nepal] – he doesn’t make fun of me you know? I feel good when I go there, I feel like my brother is teaching me.”


By the end of the program, Rakesh contributed a total of 400 service hours and could now fix large appliances on his own. Rakesh also mentioned that he became comfortable talking in English through the consistent interactions he had with Rich and customers.


Currently, Rakesh works at the Howard Center as the Development Specialist while taking math and science courses at Community College of Vermont to prepare for a four-year college degree. While he doesn’t have a career in mind yet, Rakesh is saving money to buy a house with his uncle and brother. In the future, he hopes to bring his father to Vermont from India and have the entire family reunite. ReSOURCE is proud to be part of Rakesh’s journey adjusting to life in Vermont.

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Schedule a Donation Pick-up

Thank you for thinking of ReSOURCE for donations of your furniture and large appliances! We are proud to offer pick-up services in Chittenden County and Central Vermont. 



802.851.8333 ext 13


What is Career Start?

Career Start is a program designed for high school students to gain hands-on experience and technical skills in various departments at ReSOURCE’s Burlington or Barre locations.

High school students enrolled in school are eligible to participate in the Career Start program.

The program provides hands-on experience in ReSOURCE departments, technical skills training, and monthly personal and professional development classes.

There is a fee of $1500, but tuition is waived for qualifying Vermonters.

Departments include Customer Service & Retail, Office Administration, Computers and Electronics, Overlook Cafe, and Large Appliances, among others.

Yes, students earn a monthly stipend

Training covers Health and Wellness, Goal Setting and Achievement, Leadership Development, Career Planning, and Financial Literacy.

Interested individuals should contact ReSOURCE’s Training and Development Manager, Susan Uthmann, for enrollment details.


Please contact:

Susan Uthmann
Training and Development Manager
[email protected]

Partner Agency List

Our partners help us to provide $125,000 worth of goods to over 2,000 individuals/families in Chittenden, Lamoille, and Washington Counties, and the greater Vermont area.

  • Addison Community Action/CVOEO
  • Age Well
  • Agency of Human Services- Field Services Burlington District
  • Burlington Community Justice Center
  • Burlington Housing Authority
  • Chittendent Community Action/CVOEO
  • Clarina Howard Nichols Center
  • Committee On Temporary Shelter
  • Essex Community Justice Center
  • Howard Center Community Support Program
  • Howard Center Developmental Services
  • Howard Center School Service Program
  • Lamoille Family Center
  • Milton Family Community Center
  • Pathways Vermont- Housing First Program
  • Pathways Vermont -services for veterans and families rapid rehousing program
  • Safe Harbor Clinic
  • Spectrum Youth and Family Services
  • Steps to End Domestic Violence
  • The Janet S. Munt Family Room
  • U.S. Committee for refugees and Immigrants
  • U.S. Committee for refugees and Immigrants
  • Vermont Cares
  • Vermont Catholic Charities
  • Vermont Foundation of Recovery


Become a Partner Agency

For interest in joining our program please email [email protected] to learn more about the next application cycle or any availability in become a new partner agency.

We make award decisions each December for the next calendar year and notify partners so our clients can request vouchers.

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