Still Need a Christmas Tree?

Is there anything better than the smell of a fresh pine tree on a winter day? Maybe… but we can all agree that the smell of fresh pine is pretty high up there on the list of great smells. Well, guess what? ReSOURCE has fresh pine trees for sale, courtesy of Vermont Children’s Trust Foundation! […]
Did You See Us at Tech Jam?

By Janice DiMeglio A very BIG thank you to Paul Webster-Pact and Sean Davis for making our Vintage Computer Display at Tech Jam such a great success. Paul worked very hard preparing working computers for our display. Everyone who walked by our booth stopped and did a double-take. Kids, young adults and older […]
Time to Upgrade Your Old Machine?

Burlington’s Household Goods Store is having a computer blowout sale – 10% off computers and desktops as low as $10 until the end of the month. If you’re in need of some new equipment or just looking for a new setup altogether, come by and pick one up today!